The show Audacious Women was one truly powerful show that should be viewed by every young female. Talented young curator Amanda Robertson–Hebert, dedicated the show to her friend and mentor, Chelsie Bayne. The idea began when Amanda was asked to create a commissioned work for Chelsie after she moved into her new home. Amanda empathized with a lot of the trauma her friend Chelsie had gone through in her life and admired her ability to overcome all these obstacles. She created the triptych, “Audacious Women” for Chelsie. Following this, Amanda approached Tess Millar and Anna Crook and together they created FIL Collective, a platform for creating social awareness events. From this, Amanda has gone on to create and act as curator for the Audacious Women Art Show. This show features work from a collective of young, talented artists – many of whom Amanda also knows on a personal level.
The participants in the show (all young, female artists) presented subject matter that represented certain traumas and obstacles in their lives. The show was meant to illustrate to the public how art can be inspirational in overcoming challenges. Many of these pieces reflected on a shared grief or shared experiences. The one piece that really stood out for me was created by a young artist named Chloe St. James. Chloe’s artwork was influenced by struggles with anxiety and depression and how they can lead to self-harm. Her piece “High School” demonstrated this in a powerful, yet tastefully abstract way and was able to bring awareness to difficult topic. Laura Thipphawong showed a series of fairy-tale like images that were created by a survivor of childhood sexual abuse.
As an artist with a background in social work, Amanda Robertson–Hebert has great insight into the presentation of “Audacious Women”. These collective works from the young artists showed how, through the creation of art, you can turn the experiences of grief and trauma and turn life’s challenges into something truly beautiful.
The opening night was a great success! The gallery was full of people appreciating the art that was created by these talented women. The names of the artists whose works were featured in this show are Alicia Fricker, Amanda Robertson–Hebert, Aurora Kruk, Ashley Windebank, Chloe St. James, Dahae Song, Dana McCool, Laura Thipphawong, Rebecca Tisdelle and Tess Millar.
For more information visit The Fil Collective.