As I scroll down my home page I run into a few of these ever-so popular Instagram personalities. Here are a few of my favorites:
The Foodie: I don’t understand how one person could eat so many calories in one day. Every meal this person eats is a piece of artwork in itself. Also, I am hungry now so thank you very much for making me crave whatever it is you’re eating!
Mirror Mirror on the Wall: This person is constantly taking mirror shots whether the mirror is clean or not. A tip to all the mirror selfie takers out there: we see the toilet behind you!
The Health Nut: This person’s workout isn’t complete without at least one progress shot. #health #fitness #progress. We get it, you’re fit.
The Traveller: You don’t know where they are or where they’re off to next, but you are vicariously living through these people’s Instagram accounts as they travel the world.
The Party Maniac: Personally, I was not aware that there are raves held every night in the city. This person attends all and, of course, is documenting every amazing moment so they will never forget it.
The Duck: I don’t know why or who brought the duck face to Instagram but it needs to go. No one looks better with a duck face.
The “ootd” girl: Everyone is a model nowadays. This girl documents her every outfit with the hashtag #ootd. I don’t remember what I wore last Thursday but I can pull up her account and tell you what she wore.
The Pet Fanatic: Instead of the user promoting their modelling abilities, they use their account to model their pets. At some point, I’ll begin to worry that the dog has more accessories than me!
The “I Live for Thursdays” Guy: Throwback Thursday, Flashback Friday, Sometime Ago Saturday: this person scrolls through their phone looking for old embarrassing photos to post. We get it, you wish Instagram was around during your high school glory days.
The Selfie-er: I don’t know how many different angles you can shoot of your face but I am pretty sure we’ve seen them all. This person’s entire Instagram account is selfies from different angles and using different filters.