Summer Life Hacks

by Layan Barakat
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Lets face it, summer time is the best time of the year, but it could come with a lot of embarrassing, inconvenient problems. Well know this, we’re here for you, which is why I’ve complied a list of some of the most useful summer life hacks.


  1. Cool your sunburns with milk- combine equal parts milk, water and ice cubes in a bowl then dip a dishtowel onto the mixture and press onto your burn. Apparently the fat and protein in the milk have anti-inflammatory benefits, while the ice reduces the swelling.

    Summer Life Hacks - Fresh Print Magazine

    Photo courtesy of Pintrest

  2. Whites and pastels are all over the place this summer. Sure you’re a fashion forward individual with an impeccable sense of style, but that doesn’t mean that you don’t sweat + light colours = sweat stains. Rather than wearing darks all summer to avoid ruining your favourite tops, use this trick: scrub the stained shirt with equal parts lemon on water then wash the shirt. For better results, allow the shirt to air dry as the sunlight will work with the citric acid to better remove stains.

    Summer Life Hacks - Fresh Print Magazine

    Photo courtesy of Pintrest

  3. Everyone loves lighter hair in the summer, but sometimes you just can’t justify spending all that money in a salon. Instead, spray your hair with a mixture of two parts lemon juice, one part water at least 3 times a week. You should start noticing lighter locks within a few weeks (note: the lemon juice will dry out your hair so make sure you use lots of conditioner).

    Summer Life Hacks - Fresh Print Magazine

    Photo courtesy of Pintrest

  4. Have a new pair of shoes that cause blisters? According to Everyday Health, you can avoid this problem by swiping some deodorant along the inside of your shoe. This will minimize moisture and friction which are some of the leading causes of blisters.

    Summer Life Hacks - Fresh Print Magazine

    Photo courtesy of Pintrest

  5. One of the best parts about summer are the huge thunderstorms. The worst part? Power outages, especially in the heat. If you find yourself without power and candles to light your way, use a box of crayons. One crayon will burn up to 30 minutes.Speaking of candles, check out Australian beeswax candles.

    Life Hacks - Fresh Print Magazine

    Photo courtesy of Pintrest

  6. Everyone loves a sweet treat like ice cream on a hot summer day, but one of the worst things is when it gets freezer burnt. To prevent frost on your favorite treat, stick the pint of ice cream in a zip lock bag before tossing it in the freezer. This trick will be sure to keep it soft for your next binge, tonight, in front of the TV.

    Life Hacks - Fresh Print Magazine

    Photo courtesy of Pintrest

  7. Having a party with no music? Stick your iphone or ipod inside a glass bowl, the curved shape will work as an amplifier.

    Life Hacks - Fresh Print Magazine

    Photo courtesy of Pintrest

  8. Can’t afford to buy a new bottle of $8 nail polish all the time? No need to fret, top coat is usually much cheaper than nail polish, buy a few bottles, crush up those bright colours of mascara that always come in the palette and no one uses, mix it into your bottle of top coat for a customized nail color.

    Life Hacks

    Photo courtesy of Pintrest

  9. Next time you make too much coffee, pour the rest into an ice tray and freeze it. That way, the next time you make iced coffee it won’t get watered down.

    Life Hacks

    Photo courtesy of Pintrest

  10. Bonfires are one of the best summer pass times, but starting a fire can be tough. Next time you need help kindling a fire, use Doritos. The dry chips are not only a great bonfire snack, but can also help to get the party started.

    Life Hacks

    Photo courtesy of Pintrest

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