York University: Football Frosh Frenzy

by Fresh Print Magazine
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York University: Football Frosh Frenzy - Fresh PrintYork University kicked off another year with it’s annual Frosh Week. One of many highlights was the keynote speaker, NFL and CFL quarterback, Don McPherson. His speech, “You Had Me at Consent” was presented by York University’s Centre for Human Rights, at the Rexall Centre for Excellence on the Keele campus. The York University Lions’ annual Frosh Frenzy football game was held later in the week. They unveiled their new turf field and christened it in style, defeating the visiting Wilfrid Laurier Golden Hawks 33-20. More than 2,000 fans came out to cheer on the Lions despite a downpour of rain. For further information on the YorkU Lions, visit www.yorkulions.ca

York University: Football Frosh Frenzy York University: Football Frosh Frenzy - Fresh Print Fresh Print Magazine  Fresh Print - Toronto

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