Charmaine J. Dandu & Lauren Shirreffs
In this world full of chaos, the t-shirt brand Global Warming Tee’s is evoking change and thought through their bold statement tee’s. Business partners Charmaine J. Dandu and Lauren Shirreffs have embarked on a new journey in creating socially conscious t-shirts. They’re living proof that it’s okay to go against the grain and stand up for what you believe in.
Who are the masterminds behind Global Warming Tee’s? Tell us about yourself.
Myself, Charmaine J. Dandu, and my partner Lauren Shirreffs are the co-founders of Global Warming Tee’s. I came from an apparel marketing background and Lauren has a social media background. We met while working for a Toronto based corporate apparel agency.
Where did the idea/name Global Warming Tee’s come from?
We always wanted to partner on a project and we both had an interest in social issues and fashion, so to mix the two elements seemed like a natural collaboration. “Global Warming” came from the idea of uniting people on a global scale through our message of peace, love and understanding.
Global Warming Tee’s is the epitome of statement tees. Were you ever worried about the reaction to your ever-so-bold-tees?
We definitely had to pass on some tee ideas at times because some things could have been misinterpreted, and that was our biggest concern. We aren’t afraid to push the envelope and provoke dialogue but we would never want people to spin something in a negative way. We had some sweatshirts that said “Rebel With A Cause” and some people took it the wrong way, but our point was that often times people have strong opinions about something but they don’t try to take action. “Rebel With A Cause” was a message to say, if you feel passionate about something… do something about it! Whether it’s starting a petition or coordinating a peaceful protest etc.
Were some of the controversial/bold statements made on these tees derived from personal experiences?
Some were from our experiences and others from societal experiences (i.e. stereotyping, sexism, etc.).
Where do you see the brand in five years?
We hope to get into a major retail chain so that we can be seen by the masses, so that our messages really do reach a global scale.
For someone looking to start his or her own line, what advice would you give them?
Do your research. If you aren’t experienced in the industry, seek advice from someone who is and don’t be afraid of failure. There is always an element of risk in any new business, it comes with the territory.
Our readers at Fresh Print Magazine are comprised of young entrepreneurs, students, and people in the workforce. What are some of the helpful resources out there or some of the skills you would need to start your own business?
Educate yourself, take a business course. The biggest thing we would suggest is that in any business you start, make sure you have a business plan before you do anything.
In this day and age there a lot of naysayers. What did you say or would have said to the people who didn’t believe in your dream?
I always love the saying, “First they will ask you why you did it and then they will ask you how you did it.” Honestly, if you let naysayers into your thought process you will never get anywhere, just focus on your end goal.
For the people looking to purchase some tees, where are they available?
You can purchase tees at our company site http://www.global-warming.ca