According to the latest industry statistics, the gardening equipment market should grow to $116.7 billion by 2026, proving that the 2020 trend toward gardening is set to stay the distance.
Are you among the homeowners who took to getting their hands dirty during shelter-at-home orders? Have you decided to continue with gardening as an effective and affordable way to grow food?
If so, it’s time to dial things up a little with some more advanced techniques.
Keep reading for more information to help you decide when it comes to setting up a hoop house vs greenhouse.
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Hoop House vs Greenhouse: General Differences
The main difference between greenhouses and hoop houses is that hoop houses are semi-permanent, while greenhouses are permanent structures.
Both help protect crops from the environment and thus extend the growing season for increased yield.
Greenhouses usually have extra features to enhance this benefit. These include climate control and heating units that manage humidity and airflow while maintaining indoor temperatures.
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Hoop houses have plastic sheeting stretched over a semicircular frame, while greenhouses comprise metal and glass construction.
Due to their construction, hoop houses have rounded roofs and tunnel shapes. Greenhouses usually have an angled roof like a house, click here to see a typical design.
What Is a Hoop House Good For?
Despite its simple design and low cost, building a hoop house is a labor-intensive project. They do offer more versatility than greenhouses do.
You grow the crops in the ground and add a hoop house only when necessary. You can also remove the hoop house when you want to.
You can also increase the size of your hoop house easily if desired, or stick with a smaller design in a residential setting.
- Beets
- Bok Choy
- Eggplant
- Kale
- Melon
- Scallions
- Spinach
- Squash
- Radish
- Turnip
Hoop houses have a few drawbacks when compared to greenhouses. They can become too hot and humid inside due to the lack of climate control, and the plastic covers only last a few years.
They work very well for protecting seedlings from frost, or plants that relish a hot, humid climate, though.
What Grows Best in a Greenhouse?
People who grow vegetables for retail use greenhouses to maintain their vegetable stocks out of season. The climate control features of greenhouses give these growers more control to produce high-end results.
They can also grow high-value tropical plants and succulents favored by consumers who want something different.
Greenhouses are impenetrable to most pests, and while this prevents damage to the plants, it means growers must pollinate them by hand.
The following plants thrive in greenhouses almost year-round:
- Asparagus
- Broccoli
- Cabbage
- Carrots
- Cucumbers
- Herbs
- Microgreens
- Okra
- Salads
- Spinach
The higher construction costs associated with greenhouses are off-putting for most homeowners, so they’re more common in the agricultural sector.
How Does Your Garden Grow Best?
In your opinion, which one comes up trumps in the hoop house vs greenhouse debate? Perhaps you prefer to let Mother Nature have her way with your home vegetable garden.
Would you like to find out more about modern-day gardening shortcuts? Browse our online magazine for interesting snippets about gardening and home improvement. If you’re feeling inspired, check out Old House Blogs.