When you think of the university lifestyle, you think of cafeteria food, pizza, and ramen – quick meals between classes, and easy preparation. With classes to study for, notes to take, and friends to make, nutrition sometimes takes a back seat. York University is bringing fresh food right to their campus. The York University Farmer’s Market (or Y.U.M.) runs every Thursday between 12pm and 4pm and gives students the chance to buy fresh produce, local products, and handmade items such as jewellery and baked goods. The program is run by Regenesis @York, in cooperation with York University Food Services.
Regenesis @York is a student-run, grassroots organization that focuses on environmental and social justice issues. They empower students to create change in their community and create solutions for making their campus a more environmentally sustainable place. Y.U.M. isn’t their only initiative underway this year. Regenesis @York is currently creating a DIY student-run bike shop and a free bike share network on campus. They have also created the York University Free Store, where students can donate items to the community market. Items can be re-purposed for creative or practical use and be eliminated from landfill sites. They are also looking to re-establish the Glendon campus greenhouse and create a community garden for urban agriculture.
The organization is not only teaching York University students about the importance of environmental education, but also involving them in community outreach. By partnering with Learning for a Sustainable Future, Regenesis @York is able to send YorkU students to local schools to educate the younger students and set up new environmental projects. The York Community & Sustainability Projects Fund, formed by Regenesis @York, can be accessed by students or clubs at York University for environmental, community building, and social justice projects.
These are only a few of the programs in the works for Regenesis @York, and 2014 will be an exciting year. Visit Regenesis for a full list of projects and ways that you can get involved. Be sure to check out Y.U.M. when it returns to the first floor of the TEL building, on January 9th. The environment is something we all depend on. Regenesis @York is proving that students can make a difference.