Source: http://bit.ly/1k6h9nR
It’s game time; you’ve got a hundred dollars in your wallet and you’re wearing your tightest black V-neck. Probably doused with way too much cologne! You and your boys are pounding Jägerbombs in your undersized, overpriced, Toronto condominium. The goal is evident, and continuously talked about; you are all on a mission to find single women. However, without proper guidance, you may make a few simple mistakes that could jeopardize your sole intentions. So before you and the guys go out this weekend, sit down and pay attention because class is in session.
Below is a list of some common mistakes:

Source: http://bit.ly/1wwfjk8
1. Drinking Yourself into a Coma
Almost every girl in a bar is looking to be swept off her feet by a sloppy, overly drunk and obnoxious male. But wait, if that were the case many of you wouldn’t be reading this article. After all, everyone is capable of getting obliterated and falling down a set of stairs at the bar. However, not everyone is able to properly pace their alcohol intake while still having a good time. Like it or not, this is the first rule in surviving every girl’s first test in the bar scene. So lay off the liquid cocaine and remain mysterious with a glass of scotch. Hey it works for Hank Moody, right?

Source: http://bit.ly/1nzeqpf
2. Lowering Social Value
What does he mean? Is this some sort of black magic? No, it’s actually one of the simplest, yet most effective, ways to attract women in a bar scene. Your goal from the second you enter the bar should be to surround yourself with people who have a high energy level. As soon as you are surrounded, you become the social centre in the group that everyone wants to meet. To put this into perspective, think of it like this. No girl wants to sit in a corner with a guy who’s “too cool to have fun”, instead she is too busy with the guy who’s demonstrated high social value. Just remember, every girl goes to a bar looking to have fun. So stop taking yourself so seriously and ensure your own success by being the best.
SEE ALSO: Overcoming Your Approach Anxiety

Source: http://bit.ly/1hE9HdY
3. Buying Drinks
This is the worst, and by worst I mean, worse than eating on the subway at rush hour. This seems to be every guy’s weakness. A seemingly attractive woman approaches you and asks you to buy her a drink. At first glance, you think you’ve just hit the jackpot. In your mind this girl is asking you to buy her a $6 drink that will forever make her love you, or at least for the night, so you think. WRONG! Underneath all of that perfectly placed hair on her pretty little head, there are horns just waiting to poke through. As many of you already know, as soon as that drink hits the bar she is gone. Now, for everyone saying “Hey, that’s not true! I’ve bought a girl drinks all night, and she even gave me her number”, that’s great, let’s get you a sticker pal. The reality behind this is that you spend more than half your money on this girl who may even tease you with a phone number (real or fake, it doesn’t matter). Over the next few days you will converse with her via texts, until the trail runs cold. This is why you should refrain from buying girls drinks at a bar. Unless you definitely know they are interested in you, it’s more than likely they’re using you. Be warned.

Source: http://bit.ly/1kPE0mv
4. Making Obscure Comments
This mistake is rather simple. However, at some point in time most men do it anyway. Girls don’t want to hear “You’re so hot baby!” or “Oh my god, you have an unbelievably sexy body!” These are just some of the examples of what men say wrong. If you’re going to make a comment about a woman’s looks in the bar, always try to keep it about her appealing expressions, like her beautiful smile, or compliment her on how great her hair looks. After she warms up to you, then you can transition into what you see fit. Being funny and playful with women can also increase their interest in you. However, that’s for another article.

Source: http://bit.ly/1nzezJt
5. The Acceptance of Defeat
If every great hero just packed up his bags when the going got tough, the world would be a pretty boring place. No one is saying you are the next Don Jon, but the point is, don’t give up! This doesn’t mean continually harassing a girl after she shows no interest. It means don’t get down on yourself and let it ruin the rest of the night for you. If meeting women was easy for everyone, there would be no need for this article. So if you happen to get denied, make the best of the situation and know that other women in the bar are noticing you talking to this beautiful woman. Politely remove yourself and get a hug. This actually works in your favour as it raises your social value in the bar. So instead of acting like a child next time you get denied, act like a man and use the situation to your advantage.
Well gentlemen, there you have it. For some, the bar scene can be a scary place, but this article is intended to expose you to some of the minor mistakes that could jeopardize your success. Remember these tips on your next night out with friends, and you could possibly be meeting the girl of your dreams.