The iconic Rosie the Riveter. Image: www.concourseonline.com
The term ‘feminism’ has a horrible connotation attached to it. Although feminism has brought women many monumental achievements such as gaining the right to vote and the ability to work in a man’s world, it remains the butt of many jokes. In 2014, those who associate themselves as feminist are still painted as man-hating old harpies in dowdy clothes, which is not the case at all. It’s almost as if the term has become the new F-word. Now is a good time to bring the truth about feminists and feminism to light. Here are the four misconceptions regarding feminism.
1. Feminists Are Bra-Burning Radicals
This is actually a myth created by the media. In 1968, a small group of feminists was in Atlantic City to protest against the Miss America Pageant. According to National Public Radio, they intended to burn their bras but were stopped from doing so because they were on a boardwalk. Instead, they threw their bras, mops, Playboy magazines, and other symbols of ‘female oppression’ into a trash can. No fire was involved.
Also, most feminists are not radicals or anarchists. They’re not solely interested in creating a new world order (although that would be cool.) Rather, they see that aspects of our society, particularly our attitudes towards women, need to be drastically changed and are working towards seeing and making those changes. Feminists just want a world where all women receive equal rights and opportunities as their male counterparts.
2. Feminists Don’t Respect Stay-at-Home Mothers
Feminism is about choice. If a woman chooses to be a wife and mother then that’s her choice. Most feminists actually respect that because it was a choice that they felt was right for them. They also respect stay-at-home dads, successful professionals who are female, and successful career men. It wouldn’t be fair if feminists are advocating for the ability to make their own choices yet slam the choices made by other women.
SEE ALSO:Untitled Feminist Show: It’s More Than Just Nudity
3. Feminists are Angry Lesbians Out to Emasculate Men, Wrench the Power Out of Their Hands, and Take Over the World

Image: www.norwich.tab.co.uk
This is probably one of the most offensive stereotypes surrounding feminism and similar to the first myth listed in this article. The doctrine has much to offer to both men and women. Along with liberating women from imposed gender roles, it frees men from the societal standards placed on them.
Feminists are a very large and diverse group, and are not limited to just lesbians or females for that matter. Heterosexual males can be feminists, heterosexual females can be feminists, and homosexual males can be feminists too. In fact, anyone who wants to see equality in all senses between men and women can be a feminist.
Again, feminists are fighting the outdated views, attitudes, and forcefully imposed gender roles. They’re passionate about seeing women receive the same opportunities and privileges (i.e. equal pay for equal work) not total world domination.
4. Women Can’t Be Taken Seriously if They Wear Dresses and High-Heel Shoes
Oh where to begin in debunking this load of sexist rubbish? Whether a woman chooses to wear a full A-line skirt and heels or a tailored pant suit with loafers should not be a measure of their femininity. What they choose to put on their bodies is their choice and should be respected for it. This article, written by internationally acclaimed Nigerian-American novelist/feminist activist Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, beautifully articulates that taking pleasure in fashion doesn’t affect your intelligence, successes, or opinions. Laugh at those who seriously believe in this myth.
In 2014, the fight for equality is still an ongoing one. Anyone, particularly a woman, who wages open battle on the injustices against them are penalized and face even more discrimination. Most feminists are trying to even the playing field for themselves and women everywhere. There’s no need to look down on feminism or be ashamed of wearing the label. They are supporting a human right for equality. There’s nothing wrong with asking for equal.