1. Grocery Shopping

Source: quickmeme.com
Our parents never told us how hard it is to shop for food. And the countless times I acted out in a grocery store must have been a living hell for them. Recently I opened up my bank account and scanned where all my money was going. To my horror, the vast majority of it was going toward takeout food, $8 here for a veggie delight sub from Subway, $11.25 there for a mutter paneer roti from Mother India. So, I decided that this behaviour needed to stop, since I don’t have a lot of money to spare. I went to the local No Frills and decided to look around for foods I would enjoy and weren’t too labour intensive. This did not happen. I was instantly overwhelmed at the choice and variety of all the food. It seemed more economical but the drawback being I needed to plan ahead of every meal. I left with nothing and ordered a pizza when I got home. Which leads me to my next point. 2. Fast Food is Bad for You but Eating Healthy is Expensive I cannot count how many times I have been told to “eat a proper balanced meal” by the people in my life. But I have also discovered that in order to do so, you need to be making more than minimum wage. Food is expensive. Preparing food is expensive. Buying a sandwich from the corner fast food joint is cheap and quick. 3. No Summers Off
School is supposed to teach us all about life in the “real world.” So, why did it tease us with two glorious months where you could frolic in the sun and shirk all responsibility? 4. You Can’t Party Every Night
When I was a teenager I could sneak out of my parents’ house every night, down two forties and have the time of my life, even if I had school the next day. Now I shudder at the very idea of a possible hangover from a glass of wine. 5. Paying Taxes

Source: forbes.com
Work is great. You make money in order to pay for the things you need, like rent, school loans, hydro, and cell phone. And if you’re lucky you can maybe take what’s leftover to go see your favourite band play a local show, or get yourself those new shoes you really want. But in the middle of these two things is a little thing called taxes. Which are great and everyone should be paying them, but every year you have to dig out your old returns, collect T4s, and input all this data you simply don’t understand. It takes forever and you often have to pay to do it. I hate doing this and it’s one of the biggest reasons why I revolt adulthood. I am also 99.99% certain I do it wrong every year. 6. Failing is Not the Same Thing as Being a Failure

Source: neonfresh.com
Success and failure are not exactly static concepts. They mean something slightly (or completely) different depending on the person. However, one trap we all seem to fall into from time to time is failing at some particular task and believing that we are failures. I am guilty of this, however some of my biggest failures in life have since become triumphant successes. Failing a test doesn’t mean you’ve failed the course. 7. Growing Older and Maturing Are Two Completely Different Concepts I know quite a few immature 28 year-old people and I know quite a few mature 16 year-old people. Age does not necessarily signify where you are in life in terms of maturity. Anyone who doesn’t agree with me I implore to ride the 501 Queen streetcar or the 504 King streetcar on a Friday and Saturday night. And you will find out exactly what I mean. 8. You Are Going to Have to Do Some Thing You Don’t Want to Do

Source: http://www.citytv.com/toronto/shows/meet-the-family/
This may be one of those lectures we get from the Baby Boomers all the time that is actually quite accurate. We are going to have to do some things in life that we wish not to do. Real Life examples: Going to get an STI test or a yearly physical from the doctor. Breaking up with a controlling ex. Doing taxes. Grocery shopping. Eating healthy. 9. You May Not Love Your Job I am not talking about the minimum wage job you have just to pay the rent. Of course you think that’s mostly an exercise in willpower against punt kicking strangers. I mean the career, the job for which you went to school and got a degree. The job you always knew you’d love. But here’s the thing, that’s not always the case. There are always people who suck the fun out of something. Whether it’s a cynical coworker or a micromanaging supervisor who simply doesn’t get you, something usually stands in the way of ultimately loving what you do. I am a writer and love writing. But the desire to punt kick people still palpitates from within me sometimes. 10. You Don’t Always Have to Follow the Rules If you want a big mac instead of a quinoa salad, go for it! If you want to go out and party one night and call in sick the next morning, have fun (your boss has done it!) I have only been around for 28 years and been independent for 8. I have learned in those 8 years that sometimes you need to go in the opposite direction down a one way road in order to get to where you wanna go.