15 Things You Learn in Your Twenties

by Annabel Rawson
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The foundation you build in your twenties often defines the rest of your life. Scary, right? Well, it’s true. Your twenties are imperative to your development as an adult. Think about it: you’re financially cut off from your parents, living alone and fending for yourself for the first time ever. One problem: what the hell are you supposed to do? Sadly, there’s no app for that. But there are a few things you’ll inevitably learn along the way..

1. The bad boy can’t be changed. He’s smoldering, sexy and a whole lot of fun. But is he marriage material? Will he change for you? Unlikely. “G’s” do not turn into gents overnight no matter how many chances you give them. Stop wasting your precious time. Ditch him and don’t look back.

15 Things You Learn in Your Twenties

2. You’re going to lose touch with a lot of your friends. Sad but true. However, you’ll also learn that having seven solid friends is better than having 40 ‘sort of’ friends. You’ll keep in touch with the ones who matter and quickly lose touch with the ones who don’t.

3. You’ll question EVERYTHING. With almost every move you make, you’ll probably have a voice in the back of your head incessantly asking, ‘is this the right call?’ and you’ll generally be confused as all hell. Realizations about career and relationship choices will slap you in the face, but don’t worry. A majority of people your age have no idea what they truly want to pursue in life yet either. Find solace in the fact that you WILL figure it out…eventually.

4. So much of what you think matters truly doesn’t. Try to think of it this way: if you’ll still be fretting about blank in one year’s time, you have permission to continue worrying. If not, LET.IT.GO.

5. You have to put in actual effort. And in turn, life will often shit on you anyway. Get a helmet.

enough15 Things You Learn in Your Twenties

6. Your degree means zip. I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but unless you went to Harvard Law School, the only thing your degree is useful for is a conversation starter in the real world. Sure, your degree might be relevant to your desired career, but it’s likely not what’s going to be the thing that lands you that dream job. Your personality, charisma and experience will make you the front runner, not a ($20,000.00) piece of paper. Again, sorry.

7. You’ll make mistakes. Crucial ones and small ones alike. Forgive yourself.

8. Networking is one of the most important necessary evils you’ll have to do. Grin, bare it, and take my friggin’ card.

9. Hangovers are the real deal. Remember in college where you could wake up, shake it off, eat a big Mac and immediately feel relief? That’s so over. In the real world, hangovers last 24+ hours and passing out into a 6 hour afternoon coma is virtually the only solace. You’ll suddenly have a lot less room for things like ‘clubbing’ in your twenties. That’s for damn sure.

15 Things You Learn in Your Twenties - Fresh Print Magazine

10.Being an adult sucks—deal with it. Bills, work stress, and zero sympathy from anyone. Next question.

11. Your parents are the coolest shit, ever. Bar none. Yes, this is one of the most disillusioning realizations of your twenties. Though you once compared them to a Hitler-Satan dream team and kicked figurative rocks at them constantly when you were sixteen, in your twenties you’ll learn that your ‘rents are truly on another caliber of awesomeness. More importantly, don’t forget that as you’re getting older, so are they. Visit them as often as your budget allows.

12. Investing in quality clothing is important. Sirens and Stitches were awesome for one time, trashy bar dresses- but business trips to NYC require outfits that make you feel like a million bucks and not a $5.00 hooker. You should occasionally splurge on tailored items.

13. Your body is a temple. Sure, when you were fifteen you could sit around all day and eat all the KD you wanted. However, in your twenties you’ll quickly learn that your body is the only one you’ve got and its metabolism is slowing rapidly (How ‘bout that for an oxymoron?) Be kind to it, eat right and exercise often.

14. You’re going to fail at things. This is one of the number one things you must learn and accept during this phase of your life. Try to welcome said failures as stepping stones to success. One of my favourite quotes goes something like this: “You may never fail on the scale I did. But some failure in life is inevitable. It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all- in which case, you fail by default.” -J.K. Rowling. Live by that. 

15. Life is tough. You gotta be tougher.

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