This week Volunteer Toronto helped kick off Change the World, an Ontario-wide campaign to get young people volunteering with an event called VolunTeen. Did…
Emily Doyle
Emily Doyle
Emily Doyle is a recent graduate of McGill University who seeks to make the world a better place through the arts and non profit missions. She enjoys writing, photography, acting, and playing music. Contact at
If you’ve passed through Toronto’s Chinatown over the past week, you probably know that Chinese New Year is just about in full swing. I…
Schizophrenia Society of Ontario Launches Sound Off Initiative
by Emily Doyleby Emily DoyleThe Schizophrenia Society of Ontario (SSO) is encouraging young people across the province to Sound Off (verb: to release one’s feelings or thoughts through…
Next week the Schizophrenia Society of Ontario will launch their exciting SOUND OFF initiative that aims to mobilize young people on the subject of…
The life and legacy of Nelson Mandela have been celebrated across the world since his passing on December 5th. This celebration continued on Thursday…