Things To Do Before You Turn 25

by Brittany Clarke
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See the Other Side of the World

See the Other Side of the World: Everyone deserves at least one trip to a foreign country before they’re over the age of 25 and thus, definitely considered an “adult.” Go somewhere crazy, stay in a hostel and party for a few weeks in a country that you will probably never get to visit again.

Get a Big Girl/Guy Job: You’ve most likely graduated from college and are looking for full-time employment. There is something so exciting about receiving a salary and not having to ask Mom and Dad for car insurance money.

Learn to Drink Socially: Even if it’s happy hour at your work function, it is still not a good reason to double fist those beverages. Learning how to have a couple drinks while socializing is probably something new to the recent grad, but it’s an important habit to adopt.Learn to Drink Socially - Things to do before you turn 25

Treat Yourself to a Designer Shopping Spree: We all know once we have a mortgage and kids, designer clothes are usually eliminated from the your shopping list. While you’re young and childless go splurge on some new expensive clothes that you wouldn’t normally buy for yourself. Who knows, they might even fit you for life!

Fall in Love: Everyone should experience that crazy, stupid, can’t-live-without-you kind of love when they’re 25. Whether you end up staying with this person forever, or they end up breaking your poor little heart, is not important. It’s the experience that matters.

Fall in Love - Things to do before you turn 25

Befriend Your Family: Remember back in high school when you didn’t care if your mom wanted to go to the movies, or that little sister just wanted to watch you hang out with your friends? By the age of 25 you should realize how important your family really is and that they are in fact your BFFL.

Go to Vegas: Once you’re over the age of 25 you won’t be able to survive the lack of sleep required for that trip to Las Vegas. Not to mention we all look better in a bathing suit at this age.

Vegas - Things to do before you turn 25


Learn How to Take Care of Your Own Finances: This one sucks as no one gets excited when they have to file their own taxes or pay their own bills. But being financially stable is a right of passage into adulthood.

Learn to Cook: You won’t be able to live off Mom’s leftovers forever. Whether you enjoy learning new recipes or like sticking to the basics, cooking is a very important life-long skill – and apparently a way to a man’s heart.

Go to a Music Festival: Music festivals have become all the rage these days, whether you listen to rock, edm, country or rap, there is one for every genre. You’re literally missing out on a piece of history!Go to a music festival - Things to do before you turn 25

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