Eyze, pronounced “easy”, is a name I promise you’ll be hearing around pretty often.
Founded by Ryerson fashion student Wanze Song and York University’s Claire Scott, Eyze is an emerging Toronto-based fashion line featuring all-original artwork. With their incredibly dedicated passion for both design and creative illustration, the duo took a leap of faith in 2013 and decided to start their own business. Their creative marketing strategies and constant photo-based promotions have caused Eyze to create an uproar both online and offline, with new designs selling out shortly after being released.
The best part about it? The girls are only 19.
As unbelievable as it may be, this team of ultra-talented ladies has already accomplished things that established designers take years to do. They’ve created a following, accompanied by a team of fellow artists and fashion enthusiasts, who are willing to lend a hand whenever possible. They’ve seen their designs worn by strangers and even featured on TV. If this doesn’t inspire you to drop everything and finally start that project you’ve been so ardently thinking about, I don’t know what will.
I spoke with Eyze’s co-founder Wanze Song and got some answers regarding the highlights of Eyze and what she hopes the future of the line will bring.
Fresh Print: What inspired you to start Eyze?
Wanze: I’ve always been intrigued by anything artistic. I love art and design. I knew that I wanted to start my own clothing label after graduating Ryerson, so I thought, “why not start now? I have nothing to lose.”
Fresh Print: How long have you been involved with visual art and design?
Wanze: I started drawing when I was 4 or 5. I was never great at it, but I just loved doing it. As I grew older, my skills developed and I got better and better. I loved drawing garments and designing/making outfits for my Barbie dolls. It wasn’t until I was 8 that I realized I wanted to be a fashion designer.
Fresh Print: What do you consider to be your greatest accomplishments with Eyze so far?
Wanze: The greatest accomplishment would probably be all the support and feedback we get from our friends and family. We didn’t expect Eyze to become so successful so fast. Another accomplishment would be having one of our designs featured on the TV show, Degrassi.
Fresh Print: How are you collaborating with other artists in order to shape Eyze’s image creatively?
Wanze: My business partner and I collaborate with each other to come up with new ideas and designs. We also love working with other photographers and videographers. It’s interesting seeing other people’s ideas as well as getting their inputs on the things that we do. It only helps us improve and pushes us to be more creative.
Fresh Print: What are your biggest aspirations for Eyze?
Wanze: Currently, we only make sweaters and t-shirts. Our goal in the future is to design our own garments and make textile prints with our art incorporated into it. We want Eyze to grow and become an established brand.
Fresh Print: What’s next for Eyze? Any big plans in the works?
Wanze: We are currently working on our newest collection as well as building our website. There’s a lot to do but it will be worth it when we release everything!
Eyze is all over social media and you should be too. Their beautiful designs can be found on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.