by Cheryl Duggan

Jully Black
On March 23rd, 2016 the Ontario Media Development Corporation held an event at Toronto’s Mod Club to celebrate Ontario’s music industry. The evening was supported by the Ontario Music Fund and hosted by the venerable Jully Black.

A Tribe Called Red

Mehdi Cayenne

Peter Katz


Monster Truck
The most important part of the evening. by far, was when the Hon. Michael Coteau, Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport took to the stage to acknowledge that music helps define who we are. In direct recognition of the importance of the music industry the Hon. Michael Coteau announced that the funding for the Ontario Music Fund would be “PERMANENT!” That had to have been the best tune the Mod Club heard all evening.
The Ontario Music Fund is doled out through four separate streams. The Music Company Development Fund will assist with funding for recording, marketing, touring, and business development activities. The Music Industry Development Fund is available for business development, promotion, and export initiatives, The Music Futures Fund will support with artist development, mentorship, recording, video production, marketing, and touring. The Live Music Fund will provide additional moneys for performance, programming and business development funding.
Overall, the Ontario Music Fund will continue to close the gap in the funding cycles for those involved within the music industry.