On Friday the 13th, I attended an event that was five years in the making. This event was far from a night of bad luck or spookiness, and closer to a night of friends, fun and excitement. It was Audio Blood’s Fifth Anniversary Party.
Audio Blood is a company some may not know, but the artists they have developed over the past five years certainly may ring a bell. Audio Blood is a full-service, artist and brand development company that has worked with bands such as “Walk Off the Earth” and “Dinosaur Bones”, and promoted music festivals including “Canadian Music Week”, “Edgefest”, and “SCENE Fest”. Currently they are home to several bands in the works such as “The Balconies”, who are making some serious waves in the industry right now!
The anniversary party took place at the company’s regular stomping grounds, Sneaky Dee’s. Sneaky Dee’s is either the place where the party starts or ends. It all depends on where you are in the city, if you’re seeing a band or friends, or if you’re in the mood for “The best Nachos in town”. It’s a venue with a lot of character from the eccentric paintings on the outside to the busy walls of graffiti within, and plenty of experience from the countless amount of exciting shows and events happening there every night of the week.
As I walked upstairs and through the doors, I felt a very warm shot of air to my face and a sonic blast of music to my ears. Before I even looked to see how the event was going, I could tell it was packed and the crowd was ready to party! After getting stamped to go in, I strolled through the crowd, avoiding any drink spillage and making my way straight to the sound booth. From there I could hear the best sound in the room, watch the bobbing crowd and swaying decorations, and discover a great local band called “Highs”. The band was one of the many Audio Blood clients and had an afro-beat driven sound with high harmonizing guitar lines that swept you into the beat. Throughout the night, more of the company’s artists played and more fans kept rolling in to enjoy the fantastic music and the Audio Blood’s custom, five dollar menu.

Sari Delmar
After enjoying the music and seeing the familiar faces of some of the band members I’ve performed with in the past, I finally had the chance to speak with Audio Blood CEO and Founder, Sari Delmar, and Publicity and Marketing Coordinator, Erin Carroll.
Due to the noise levels from both floors and the Canadian cold, we made our way down to the marker-covered washroom hallway, giving us some peace and quiet and a chance to talk about Audio Blood’s five years of success.
During our interview, I gained some great insight into the personalities behind the group that helped me get a better grasp on what they are trying to achieve for their company, the bands, and themselves. They were very honest, kind, and had a “tell it like it is” attitude. All the makings for some great conversation.

Erin Carroll
I asked them if they’ve had any significant moments during their time at the company and the answers were very entertaining. Sari began to explain her story of a huge Audio Blood rooftop patio party that almost didn’t happen because the rooftop owner cancelled on them hours before the event was about to take place. As trucks of beer were arriving, porta- potties were being set up, and partners and clients were showing up within hours, another rooftop was found! Everything came together through the help of her friends and co-workers. For Sari, she described it as ‘magical’ and to her, it “really proved what can happen when a you have a community around your business”.
Erin described hers as an “ahh” moment backstage at Edgefest for the very first time, where she got to meet and greet with so many great artists making her feel like she was part of something bigger than herself.
During our talk, I asked if there were any goals set for Audio Blood’s ten year anniversary. Sari, in a honest and determined voice, said “We don’t want people to think we’re comfortable, there is a lot more to be done and there’s still a lot of sh*t to stir up…”. The team elaborated on how there are some big plans ahead, while still putting a major emphasis on keeping grounded and sticking to the original plans, goals, and attitudes that they’ve had from the start. Sari and Erin say expansion for the company is definitely in sight and that the growth of their bands is certainly going to be something to watch. I myself am excited to watch and listen with pleasure.
With my final question I asked what advice they had for bands and businesses in order to help them make it to the five year mark. To sum it up from Erin and Sari,
1) Bands and businesses are the same thing.
2) Stick to your gut and do it. “The only person standing in your way is you!”.
Some great stories and great advice! Thank you for sharing your time Audio Blood. Wishing your company a Happy Anniversary and many more to come from Fresh Print Magazine.
For more information on Audio Blood and to listen to some great music, visit www.audioblood.com